Uploading FRB Events

Running the Upload Script

To upload your FRB events and follow up measurements you can use this python script. To use it you must set the environment variables FRB_USER and FRB_PASS which is your username and password for the FRB web app account.

For the first detection/measurement of the FRB event, you can upload the radio measurement and observation data with a command like the following:

python upload_cand.py --first --radio_yaml radio_example.yaml --observation_yaml observation_example.yaml

Which will output an ID like so:


This should be recorded and used for future measurement updates (through post-processing and optical follow up).

To upload further measurements, use the update option like so:

python upload_cand.py --update 3 --radio_yaml radio_example.yaml

Note that you don’t need the observation YAML after the first detection.

Radio Measurement YAML Format

Here is an example of what the radio measurement YAML can look like

    # Only used for first detection/measurement
    "time_of_arrival": "2017-11-17T12:21:38.87",
    "repeater": true,
    "search_path": "example_search.png",
    "image_path" : "example_image.png",
    "histogram_path": "example_histogram.png",

    # Required
    "dm": 411.0,
    "dm_err": 1.0,
    "ra": 77.01461542,
    "ra_err": 0.05,
    "dec": 26.06069556,
    "dec_err": 0.05,
    "sn": 50,
    "width": 5,
    "flux": 35,
    "flux_err": 3,
    "source": "MB",
    "version": "v1.0",

    # Optional
    "fluence": 45,
    "fluence_err": 5,
    "dmism": 123.16007817568256,
    "rm": -613.0,
    "rm_err": 2.0,
    "cosmo": "Planck18",
    "eellipse": {
        "a": 0.004,
        "b": 0.004,
        "cl": 68.0,
        "theta": 0.0
    "z": 0.0982,

Each of the keys:

“time_of_arrival”: str, optional

The time of arrival of the FRB in the format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f”, eg. “2017-11-17T12:21:38.87”

“repeater”: boolean, optional

Is the FRB a repeater (true or false)?

“search_path”: str, optional

The path to the search image

“image_path”str, optional

The path to the radio image

“histogram_path”: str, optional

The path to the histogram image


The dispersion measure of the FRB in pc / cm^3


The error of the dispersion measure of the FRB in pc / cm^3

“ra”: str

The Right Acension of the candidate in degrees

“ra_err”: str

The error of the Right Acension of the candidate in degrees

“dec”: str

The Declination of the candidate in degrees

“dec_err”: str

The error of the Declination of the candidate in degrees

“sn”: float

The signal-to-noise ration of the candidate

“width”: float

The width of the candidate pulse in ms

“flux”: float, optional

The flux density of the event in Jy

“flux_err”: float, optional

The error of the flux density of the event in Jy

“source”: str

The source (telescope pipeline) of the measurements, should be either MB (Multi-Beam) or HT (High-Time resolution)

“version”: str

The version of the “source” software

“fluence”: float, optional

The fluence of the event in Jy ms

“fluence_err”: float, optional

The error of the fluence of the event in Jy ms

“dmism”float, optional

The estimated amount of the dispersion measure that is contributed by the interstellar medium in pc / cm^3

“rm”: float, optional

The Rotation Measure of the candidate in rad / m^2

“rm_err”: float, optional

The error of the Rotation Measure of the candidate in rad / m^2

“cosmo”: str, optional

The cosmological model used for cosmological calculations, eg. “Planck18”

“eellipse”: object, optional

The error ellipse object which has the following keys within it

“a”: float

The width of the ellipse in degrees

“b”: float

The height of the ellipse in degrees

“cl”: float, optional

The confidence level of the error ellipse in percent. Default 68.0

“theta”: float

The angle in degrees from North clockwise

“z”: boolean, optional

The redshift of the candidate

Observation YAML Format

Here is an example of what the observation YAML can look like

    "beam_semi_major_axis": 0.2,
    "beam_semi_minor_axis": 0.3,
    "beam_rotation_angle": 45,
    "sampling_time": 0.1,
    "bandwidth": 300,
    "nchan": 3000,
    "centre_frequency": 1400,
    "npol": 2,
    "bits_per_sample": 8,
    "gain": 3,
    "tsys": 50,
    "backend": "Multibeam",
    "beam": 1,
“beam_semi_major_axis”: float

The beam semi major axis in arcminutes.

“beam_semi_minor_axis”: float

The beam semi minor axis in arcminutes.

“beam_rotation_angle”: int

The beam rotation angle in degrees, clockwise from North.

“sampling_time”: float

The duration of each sample in ms.

“bandwidth”: float

The bandwidth in MHz.

“nchan”: int

The number of frequency channels.

“centre_frequency”: float`

The centre frequency in MHz.

“npol”: int

The number of antena polarisations.

“bits_per_sample”: int

The size in bits of each sample.

“gain”: float

The gain of telescope in K/Jy.

“tsys”: float

The system temperature in K.

“backend”: string

The name of the telescope backend being used (“Multibeam” for example).

“beam”: int

The beam number for multi beam receivers.