Web Application Installation

The following are instructions on how to setup up your nimbus instance for the first time. If you have already done this you can skip to Starting the server.

Opening the Nimbus Instance Firewall

Once you’ve set up the instance you need to open the firewall


Then make a costum tcp rule for ports 80 and 443, should look like this


Then follow this guide to check things step by step


The following is examples of how I got it to work.

Goal 1: IP as URL

First try and get it to work with the nimbus IP as the URL. From directory containing manage.py run the command:

uwsgi --socket frb-classifier.sock --module frb_cand.wsgi --chmod-socket=666

and nginx should look like this

upstream django {
   server unix:///home/ubuntu/FRB_candidates_app/frb_cand/frb-classifier.sock;

server {
   listen 80;
   server_name <IP>;
   charset     utf-8;

   # max upload size
   client_max_body_size 75M;

   location /static {
      alias /home/ubuntu/FRB_candidates_app/frb_cand/static_host;

   # Finally, send all non-media requests to the Django server.
   location / {
      uwsgi_pass  django;
      include     /home/ubuntu/FRB_candidates_app/frb_cand/uwsgi_params;


and make sure the IP is in allowed hosts in settings.py:

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost', '<IP>']

Check if the works by using the IP as a URL in your browser.

Perimission errors

If you get a (13: Permission denied) error in the nginx logs here is a helpful fix


Static files errors

If it’s not finding the static files then setup the setting.py like this

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
   os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static/"),
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static_host/")

then run

python manage.py collectstatic

and update the nginx to

location /static {
   alias /home/ubuntu/FRB_candidates_app/frb_cand/static_host;

Try a simple domain

Grab a free subdomain from https://www.duckdns.org/domains that points to your ip then update the url in nginx’s severname, and ALLOWED_HOSTS in settings.py

Getting a ssl certificate

Here are instructions on generating a ssl certificate
